
Workflow optimization: How to improve process performance within your company?4 min read

Flujo de trabajo




Although the term workflow is usually associated with the business world, the truth is that workflows are everywhere in our daily lives, not just in organizations. In fact, we use them to perform daily tasks that are repetitive, in order to be more productive, faster and efficient.



Optimal workflows are an essential part of successful businesses. However, not every organization understands the importance of creating simple process sequences when it comes to improving productivity. On the contrary, they insist on continuing to handle heavy and impractical flows.

If you are looking to leave behind obsolete strategies and unjustifiably complex systems; we invite you to take a look at these recommendations to achieve a workflow that leads to excellence. Read on and find out more.

What exactly is a workflow?

A workflow, wherever it is executed, is nothing more than a sequence of stages that leads to the realization of a specific objective. These stages normally comprise the definition; execution and automation of the processes that must be carried out to achieve the final goal.

At the enterprise level it is a sequence where tasks; information or documents are distributed from one member to another, according to a set of rules of procedure.

Why is it so important for companies?

A company’s activities can be divided into processes, which in turn can be split into tasks. These tasks, from the simplest to the most complex; contribute to the achievement of the company’s final objectives. This means that the better they are managed; the more successful the business results will be.



Unfortunately, many companies make the mistake of limiting the agility of the tasks they perform by locking themselves into heavy processes and workflows. As a result, the organization loses productivity and efficiency thanks to systems that quickly become obsolete. This is a huge disadvantage if we take into account the rapid pace of change in customer expectations and demands.


To avoid losing competitiveness, it is necessary that companies increasingly transform their business processes to achieve excellence, this is where workflow optimization plays an essential role.

A well-established workflow allows organizations to quickly create and implement customized strategies to meet their specific needs. This translates into easier access to information, measurable results and increased competitiveness.

Among the specific benefits of a smooth workflow:

Time Saving


By optimizing workflow, you simplify procedures and reduce the time spent on these long and tedious tasks. Thanks to reliable and consistent processes; company members can better allocate the use of their time to concentrate on tasks that need more attention or creativity.


Bottleneck reduction




The creation of a good workflow requires the standardization of processes under the best market practices. Through this, members of the company will have the ability to simultaneously process their own tasks, which will accelerate decision-making and increase productivity.



Better information management

With an optimal workflow system; it is possible to access a history of all changes made by users and track every decision made. This will allow better information management while maintaining a high level of security.

How to achieve a more optimal workflow within the company?

#1 Analyze each of the processes in your company 

How are requests made within your company? What are the communication channels used? How long do these requests take to be processed? How long does it take for your team to adapt to change? Does your team have time to innovate, or just perform repetitive tasks?

It seems a bit tedious to have to analyze the organization’s current workflow; but it is undoubtedly one of the most important steps to identify pain points and establish more effective strategies.

#2 Standardize processes

There are several international frameworks and standards focused on helping companies achieve better results. ITIL, COBIT, ISO, adapt the one that best suits your business needs and use them to perform processes based on the best market practices.

#3 Automate as much as you can



The execution of repetitive tasks by the members of the company takes up their time and does not allow them to develop their potential to the maximum. In order to prevent this from happening; it is ideal for you to use quality technological tools that allow the automation of processes, and at the same time provide you with easy access to vital business information.



An excellent option in this case can be found in ServiceNow; who have one of the best tools for IT Service Management in the market.

These are just some steps you can follow to achieve a more optimal workflow. If you want more tips or you are looking for professional advice on software solutions; do not hesitate to contact us.

At GB Advisors we give you the tools you are looking for and all the help you need to get the most out of them. Trust us and start watching your business grow.


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