
ITOM Software: 5 reasons to implement one in your company5 min read

ITOM Software

In your company, have you taken advantage of the potential of the use of tools or do you continue wasting time with manual processes?

The first civilizations of human beings had to fight a great battle for their survival. Colossal animals and adverse weather conditions made staying alive a challenge.

In the face of all these obstacles, how could we stand and position ourselves above the food chain? The answer is simple, thanks to our tools.

From the most rudimentary to the most sophisticated, our tools have been helping us optimize the way we do things for thousands of years.

Today, we use them in all areas of our daily lives and each time a problem difficult to solve arises, we invent another tool.

Our history has shown us its importance in improving productivity and efficiency. In the case of organizations, none can function well without the right tools. Why not then use one to optimize the way you manage your IT operations?

The advantages of having an IT Operations Management software are obvious and numerous, however, if you are still not convinced of why you should start implementing it within your company, here are some compelling reasons for you to do so.

Read on and discover the benefits you can achieve by acquiring ITOM software for your company.

ITOM and its importance for organizations

As the IT environment increases in complexity within the enterprise, it becomes more urgent to efficiently control all the elements that are part of this environment.

This is precisely the job of IT Operations Management (ITOM), ensuring the stability and availability of all applications, so they can meet the demands of business users.

To achieve its goal, ITOM is responsible for executing all tasks necessary to monitor and control IT infrastructure and services. Some subdivisions covered by ITOM are the following:

  • Network management.
  • Service management.
  • Continuity management.
  • Cloud management.

Good IT Operations Management is vital for the company, as it helps ensure the consistency, reliability and quality of IT services.

The ITOM software

ITOM Software

Applications are some of the most difficult assets to manage in the enterprise as they depend on changes in licensing models and hardware transformation.

If we add to this the challenge of correctly managing cloud services, we can see the need to use a tool to facilitate the work.

ITOM software is a platform that centralizes all the necessary functions to efficiently manage the capacity, performance, and availability of all IT assets, including networks and tools.

It gives companies the ability to better understand their IT infrastructure to detect problems earlier and resolve them before they cause service disruption.


5 Reasons to implement ITOM software in your business

#1 Adaptive capacity

Cloud services, virtualization, the internet of things, all these elements have contributed to a more complex IT environment.

ITOM Software

In a context in which teams are facing the constant challenge of adapting their processes and techniques to constantly evolving ecosystems, it is necessary to have a tool that helps ensure speed and agility in the control of large IT infrastructures.

This is precisely what ITOM software is capable of doing, providing all the necessary functionalities to offer high quality and cost-effective services.

#2 Speed

Faced with growing customer demand, companies must be able to deploy complex services quickly. With ITOM software, this will not be a problem.

This type of tool is capable of replacing manual processes to give way to the execution of automated, repeatable and secure activities.

As a consequence, IT teams will be able not only to implement applications more efficiently but also to detect and solve any problem that may arise, almost immediately.

#3 Visibility

With ITOM software your team will be able to locate and monitor in real-time all the components of the IT ecosystem. Thanks to this total visibility, it will be easy for them to determine when a component needs attention, which areas need to be improved and which are the events that can trigger the appearance of an incident.

#4 Scalability

Do you need to scale your operations to maintain or introduce a new service? No problem, with the ITOM software you will have a platform that will allow you to integrate data from the entire IT environment, making it easier to integrate new assets or services.

#5 Cost reduction

Silos can be expensive. It doesn’t matter if your IT environment is composed of high-quality elements, if these are not interconnected, the lack of efficient communication can decrease productivity and make processes slower.

With ITOM software regardless of whether it’s cloud services, in-house servers or hybrid environments, you can monitor all your assets on a single platform and configure them to constantly share useful information. This will allow you to save time and money in trying to control all your resources separately, which will result in a better Return on Investment.

In conclusion, ITOM software is exactly what you need to improve your operational agility and optimize your problem-solving capabilities.

Do you want to implement the best? Take a look at ServiceNow‘s offer. A tool based on ITIL best practices, which will allow you to automate your processes and better monitor your IT infrastructure.

Would you like to receive more information about this tool? Contact us. At GB Advisors we offer you market-leading solutions and put at your disposal a team of professionals willing to advise you and accompany you on your way to a more efficient IT environment.

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