
3 key practices to improve communication in the working environment5 min read

communication at work

We’ve all played that kids’ game where we stand in line and someone starts by saying a sentence. As it passes through everyone’s ears and reaches the end of the line, the message ends up being a complete mess. For us as kids it’s a fun outcome. However, when something like this happens at work, it is a very serious matter. Communication at work is not a game, and despite having so many technological tools at our disposal, we sometimes fail to make it effective. So, let’s get ready to talk a little about 3 key practices you should know to improve communication in the working environment.


Why should we have better communication practices?  

remote work

COVID-19 accelerated the trend of working from home. However, our communication problems did not start there. Globalization per se has changed the way human beings connect with each other. We find ourselves in a different society, where there is an immense need for values such as closeness, authenticity and consistency.

A report by the United Nations International Labor Organization revealed that remote employees are vulnerable to working longer hours.  With a more intense work pace, interference between work and home, and increased stress. All these factors have a direct impact on the quality of communication at work.

It is no secret that organizations that are successful in communication are the ones that succeed. However, those with poor communication techniques suffer from missed deadlines, lower employee engagement, lack of trust in managers, and low numbers. So what to do?


Let’s meet 3 key practices that can increase the effectiveness of communication at work:

1 Simple communication.

Yes, it’s true that we have instant messaging such as emails. However, one mail could solve or make everything more difficult. If the work team is writing emails, and they are too complicated to understand, small misunderstandings can quickly turn into high-level drama.  That’s why it’s important that in all aspects of communication at work, the first approach is to keep it simple.

communication at work

Better to address with a short and precise bulleted list than to use a long text where we expect others to interpret or extract the relevant information. Speaking simply also implies putting ourselves in the place of others. For one of the occurrences of remote work is that departments are linked more directly. And the various branches of knowledge and information collide.

For example: a human resources agent trying to make conversation with an IT agent about a problem. If the IT agent tries to explain the situation from a technical point of view instead of getting to the point, things could get worse. It is better to think in the other person’s shoes and consider whether our words are easy to interpret.

On the other hand, simple communication is also about recognizing the importance of details. Many times we might think that a reaction or a message with an affirmative response means little. But it is possible to improve communication at work if we just respond with a “yes” or react by confirming that we have understood or received the communication.


2 Digital body language

It is possible that, with multiple communication channels and surrounding technology, we forget the human side. Making proper use of new technologies is the best way to avoid losing human contact. And that is why a key communication practice at work is digital body language, which occurs through video calls.


Organizing weekly meetings between leaders and employees face-to-face gives both parties the opportunity to discuss any issues that might otherwise be forgotten. These meetings can consist of a simple chat about the work schedule, or sharing ideas. However, short, regular meetings will help increase transparency between managers and employees and lighten the pressure.

Face-to-face meetings help build trust and strengthen relationships within the team.  This is especially important for new employees, as they will have the opportunity to associate names with faces. Then, get to know their team members, which will help them collaborate better. It is also necessary to consider that the more people on the team talk to each other, the more trust will develop.

In addition, looking at each other’s faces and being able to establish real contact with each other makes us grow, nurtures and enriches us. A smile, a facial gesture or an expression of agreement are aspects that cannot be replaced by an e-mail. In such a way that a videoconference could constitute a very important change in the communication in the work environment.


3 Use of software and technological tools

Communication is critical to the success of remote teams. And the adoption of the right tools and software plays a key role in facilitating this. So one of the most important workplace communication practices is the implementation of technology tools.

Establishing processes and a user-friendly platform will improve your team’s performance. Staying on top of company updates and allowing your team to feel safe and close. Achieving seamless collaboration.

So, make sure you invest in the technology stack that will help you bridge the physical gap. With tools like voice, video, online collaboration tools and file sharing software, you can ensure that your remote team members have an engaging and productive work experience. Among the best-known tools that are indispensable for every organization are Zoom, Google Drive, and service management software such as Freshservice.

Freshservice allows you to communicate issues between team members in real time. As well as communicating tasks and managing requests from various areas of the company. This tool can give your team a clear view of project progress, while keeping everyone up to date on who is working on what, which can help reduce time spent asking unnecessary questions.

Having a reliable, secure and well-equipped infrastructure is the foundation for smooth collaboration and effective remote work. Putting customized technology tools in place could be the step your company needs to improve communication at work. Want to learn more?

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