Menu 7 reasons to upgrade to this vulnerability scanner5 min read

New technologies such as IoT, containers and cloud services have been integrated into the ecosystems of organizations to make them increasingly complex. Although this sophistication of digital environments has brought great advantages to organizations, it has also promoted an increase in their vulnerabilities. Fortunately, this challenge has become the perfect opportunity for companies to make use of a comprehensive solution capable of protecting all their digital assets:


Digital transformation has created a context in which the use of more intelligent security tools has become imperative. If you are looking for one that truly suits your business objectives; we recommend you read these 7 reasons why is the ideal solution for your company.

Why migrate to a more up-to-date software?

If one thing is true, it is that even software tools have an expiration date. Regardless of whether an application has performed well during its lifetime; its end of life will inevitably come at some point. The consequences that the use of an obsolete solution can have for an organization; can be quite costly and may even jeopardize business continuity.

Among the most important risks that can bring the use of a solution that has reached its end of life we can highlight the following:

  • Incompatibility

Software solutions are constantly being updated to adapt to the new needs of users and digital environments. However, it is a fact that once a product has reached its obsolescence period; it can no longer receive new updates. As a result, it often presents incompatibility problems with other applications with which it shares the same ecosystem.

  • Security holes

Without new updates, the program will be unable to respond effectively to threats for which it has no information in its database. As a consequence, the attack surfaces will become more and more extensive and the security flaws will be recurrent.

  • End of Support

The end of life of a product also implies a cessation of support service by the provider. In other words, the organization will no longer be able to benefit from vital services such as security patches or user support in the event of security breaches.

In short, end-of-life programs are likely to be incompatible with products that incorporate new protocols or updated technologies. As a result, and in the long run; this could seriously hamper the operation of the business.

Fortunately, the end of a product’s life can become the perfect opportunity to acquire a more sophisticated and effective tool.

Why 7 Reasons to Migrate to


The leader in software solutions, Tenable, has managed to position itself in the market for a long time thanks to its highly efficient security products. This time, through its platform; it promises to revolutionize the way organizations monitor and protect their digital assets.




There are many reasons to choose, here are 7 of the most important:

#1 All in one

Forget about the silos created by using different tools to protect the different digital assets that make up the ecosystem of your company. With you will be able to acquire a single license that will give you access to an enormous variety of functionalities oriented to:

  • Vulnerability Management: Digital environments are in constant transformation; this is why proposes a constant scanning of all the assets that make up your systems; to detect their weak points and prioritize threats according to their level of severity. 
  • Container Security: Thanks to, the Devs team will have the opportunity to develop quality applications; with the total confidence of having a tool capable of protecting each of the images stored in the digital containers.  
  • Web Application Scanning: Intelligently manage any risk related to your web applications; thanks to automatic scanning and the unified view that this security tool offers. 

#2 Total Visibility

With you can count on a multi-platform vulnerability scanner, which allows you to monitor and detect threats both on the web and on the internal equipment that makes up your systems. Do you want to know exactly what your level of exposure is? With the Cyber Exposure Platform; you will be able to count on precise information related to all your points of vulnerability, even those that are not so evident. 

#3 The Power of Artificial Intelligence

Automate your processes as much as possible and enjoy the peace of mind of having a platform that is independent enough to detect irregular patterns in the system on its own. Let your security team concentrate on truly relevant incidents without worrying about false positives thanks to the Machine Learning technology that integrates

#4 Nessus Quality’s efficiency is backed by one of the highest quality security software on the market. With the lowest false positive rate and broadest coverage in the industry; Nessus is undoubtedly a resource that will maximize the protection of your digital environments.

#5 Hosted wherever you want


Tenable.ioThis vulnerability detection software also offers you the ease of hosting at will. Available on-demand or in the cloud; is able to adapt perfectly to the demands of your organization providing you with protection as well as total comfort. is compatible with Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Rackspace and Salesforce.



#6 Advanced Analytics offers you, among other things, the possibility of having access to an enormous amount of data related to the behavior of your systems. The platform also provides access to this information through a friendly interface board in which you can recognize each of the data in a simple way.

#7 Documentation and full support offers users a simple implementation and management of all its functionalities. However, with the acquisition of this tool; customers will also be able to have complete documentation related to the features of the software; in addition to a support service ready to respond to any concerns in the pre- and post-implementation stage. 

Do you need more reasons to switch to Take advantage of the end of life of McAfee MVM and enjoy a super offer from GB Advisors. Find out more about this promo, features, or any other leading software solution through our free advisory service. Contact us now.


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