
Provide the ultimate training in your company with TalentLMS4 min read


Have you ever heard about learning management systems? If you have not, keep reading, and if you have, keep reading as well because we have a great recommendation for you.  

Learning management systems or LMS, have been around us for a while now, and they keep going popular as you read this. Why?  

You don’t need to think about the current Covid-19 pandemic to understand the importance of online learning. 

 Besides, with many companies transitioning to remote work it’s only normal to find these companies taking advantage of the many benefits that learning management systems offer.  

They even have become an essential tool for any business that wishes to run a comprehensive online learning program or to provide online courses to train and educate their employees.  

These systems help learning managers handle the entire life cycle of the learning process within a company. They can store, organize, and distribute courses as needed.  

Of course, there are many options to choose from when you’re looking for the perfect learning management system for your company, and that’s why today we present you with that.  

Meet TalentsLMS, the most intuitive, affordable cloud LMS.  

TalentLMS is an intuitive platform, this means that anyone can use it, even the ones who aren’t familiar with online training.  

You can use your previous training material or build completely new courses.  

From technology to call centers, manufacturing, and health care. No matter the industry your company belongs to, TalentLMS is the best online training solution.  

TalentLMS With TalentLMS you don’t need to worry about setting things up, because it’s ready to get up and running fast. 

Now, check some of its features. 

  • Manage everything you need for your courses.  

If you already have pre-existing material that you wish to use again, you can do it, but if you want to build it from scratch, TalentLMS has you covered as well.  

You can use content from different web sources and adapt it to build the course you want. 

  • Blend the learning you provide 

TalentLMS is a blended learning management system. This means you will obtain the benefits of digital and traditional training.  

For instance, you can connect online training with classroom-based training and manage both from a single platform. All of this while you get automated notifications from both your instructors and your learners. 

  • Achieve virtual lessons without any problem  

TalentLMS is fully integrated with Zoom, the best video-conferencing software. Thanks to this, you can seamlessly provide real-time virtual lessons for every learner around the world. 

  • Gamify your training  

The training process is usually mistaken as boring and even useless for many employees. With TalentLMS you will completely change that perception by turning the training into an addictive goal-setting and goal-reaching powerhouse. 

Did you know that 88%of employees say gamification makes them feel happier at work?  

And trust us, you want your employees to be happy.  

In addition, you can even link gamification to a certificate program for keeping your employees excited and motivated. 

  • Course store  

TalentLMS has its own collection of ready-made courses. You can choose from an extensive library that includes topics such as human resources, marketing, customer service, sales, and more.  Plus,  each topic is heavily researched using the most up-to-date information from subject-matter experts. 

Every course is designed to be enjoyable, so anyone can be happy to do them. That’s why they are made up of mini-lessons between  2-3 minutes each. 

  • Powerful integrations  

Optimize your e-learning experience even more with the TalentLMS integrations.  

TalentLMS For video conference options you can choose from its own free video conferencing solution, or you can use Zoo, Go to Meeting, and Big Blue Buttom.  



Other popular apps like Slack, Zapier, Trello, and Mailchimp are also integrated with TalentLMS.  

You can also receive payments from your own learning management system using Paypal, Stripe, or Shopify.  

  • Customize as much as you want  

We know it is important that your training hub should look like it’s part of your organization that’s why TalentLMS allows you to tailor it exactly to fit your needs. 

You can use your own domain and logo while making it look and sound just like you.  

  • Access to relevant data  

Analyze your data and make the right decisions with the TalentLMS reporting engine.  

The combination of real-time information, rich visual data, and custom learning analytics is the one thing that will help you catch and correct problems fast, while you stay informed of your learners’ progress.  

Plus, the training infographic gets you a clear snapshot of your training.  This is the LMS reporting feature you’ll use most often to check in on important metrics. 

Your learners will also benefit from the TalentLMS reporting engine, by getting downloadable and printable user infographics, as well as micro-stats. 

  • Provide training across any device 

With a fluid interface, TalentLMS offers a consistent experience across all devices, from desktops to tablets and smartphones. Native apps for iPhone & iPad are also available. 

With TalentLMS you get all the features to optimize your training. Try it now!  

At GB Advisors we offer you much more than the product you are purchasing. We have a professional team that will be in charge of training your staff and giving you all the help and support you need. Contact us here.

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