
2016 bids farewell starting a new partnership: EasyVista3 min read

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EasyVista IT Service Management2016 has been a year plenty of positive transformations for GB Advisors. So much so
that it leaves us the golden clasp of a new partnership for your profit: EasyVista IT Service Management.

Equally important, the reasons behind GB Advisors’ steadily growing year after year are your preference for our products and services; and strategic alliances of a standing equal to EasyVista. 

So this commercial alliance brings many advantages, and here we give a teaser on the many things you can actually do for your enterprise with this tool for IT Service Management.  

EasyVista IT Service Management in 8 steps


First, trends are clear: Mobile devices set the standards in services. Even more, plenty studies share the general perception that smartphones are the new PC desktops.

EasyVista is totally aware of this reality.  That’s the reason why it has developed all its technology towards Mobile-first concept:

“(…) to refer to the primacy of mobile networks made up of modern smartphones attached to a large network coverage area. The mobile first strategy refers to companies’ increasing tendency to design their products for mobile phones or devices before making correlate designs for traditional desktop and laptop computers.

This feature gives a considerable advantage to any enterprise that uses it. And GB Advisors puts it at your services through its new partner, EasyVista IT Service Management.


Second, EasyVista is a powerful tool that adapts to any mobile device or Operating System. Also, it connects legacy systems with cutting-edge technology.


Third, programming new tools is usually a long and complicated process.  However, EasyVista enables you to create proprietary applications from a “drag-and-drop” platform that will save you a lot in time and effort.


IT Service ManagementEnhances IT Management Services

Forth, your IT Teams have more control over incidents and procedures when counting on information-based reports.

Same, timing of response and incident solving dramatically improve when counting on EasyVista IT Service Management, the best mobile-first tool. 



Fifth, IT Management Service become more attractive, economically speaking, if you count on an authorized catalog of your services based on the Cloud. Another characteristics that add brownie points to EasyVista. 

Streamline service processes

Sixth, when conceived as mobile-first, EasyVista IT Service Management had to clearly define its processes. As consequence and advantage, this conception improves workflows no matter whether they’re ITIL-based or not.

In other words, EasyVista underpins your process and your client’s processes; otherwise different from mostly of the cases where tools represent processes themselves.

Distinguishes Accesses

Seventh, final users and IT Service technicians can access from their mobile devices, and this capability do not interfere neither on the access levels, nor on the information deployed in both cases.

EasyVista IT Service Management manages final and domain users with intelligent, clear and flexible profiles.


SaaS ServiceSaaS

Last but not least, Software as a Service (SaaS) works from any mobile device, which is a powerful advantage to satisfy the final user’s demands.  In other words, enables your employees and final users to make questions and requirements, get information and many other functionalities.

EasyVista IT Service Management marks an important milestone on GB Advisor’s, and makes us proud to put its name among our commercial allies to give you leading software solutions.

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